Juniors: If you are interested in applying for Palmetto Boys State, see Mrs. Lake for an application.

Congratulations to NHS senior, Cam Grier, who is now the SCHSL 2021-2022 AAA Individual State Wrestling CHAMPION for his weight class!

The ROBODOGS brought back the Connect Award for “Connecting the dots between community, FIRST, and the diversity of the engineering world.” Ben Baldwin was also selected as a FIRST Student Ambassador for the weekend. Way to go ROBODOGS!
ROBODOGS attending were: Eustacio Jiminez, Ben Baldwin, Randal Berry, Alex Siqueiros, Natalie English, Tiana Thanabouasy, Mallori Hendricks, Carrie Burns, Carol Illescas-Colina, and sponsors, Jamie Wessinger and John Shaw.

Prom will be held on April 30, 2022 from 7:00 PM- 10:00 PM in the NHS Gymnasium. More details will be sent out later!

The School District of Newberry County has updated its isolation and quarantine procedures. These updates can be found at the link below. The update includes a Test to Stay Option. This allows for students who are identified as a close contact to remain in school. The requirements to do so include wearing a mask at school for 10 days and testing on day 5. Students who are currently quarantined and may return to school under this option will be contacted today by the school. The change in our procedures goes into effect immediately. https://5il.co/15dem

Softball NHS Team Store
Check it out today!

Congratulations to all the students on the Honor Roll! See image for names.

Congratulations to the following students on the Principal’s Honor Roll!
See images for names.

The Newberry High Baseball Team Shop is open for anyone interested in purchasing any NHS gear. Thank you for your support!

It's time to vote for the SC Book Awards! If you have read 3 of the Young Adult Book Award Nominees, please click on the link below to vote for your favorite! Anyone that has read 3 or more and votes is eligible for prizes! See Mrs. Bouknight for details.
Deadline is Friday, February 11 @ 3:00. Vote soon!

Congratulations to our new Head Football Coach, Cedrick Jeter, replacing Phil Strickland.

Due to the threat of inclement weather on Friday, January 21, the School District of Newberry County will move instruction to an asynchronous (not live) instruction day. Teachers will post assignments for students to complete, but there will be no live Google Meets on this day. Schools and offices will be closed, but employees are expected to check email throughout the day and respond as needed.
It is expected that we will return to normal schedule on Monday, January 24. If you have experienced symptoms, been identified as a close or household contact, or tested positive, please remember to report that to the school nurse through the use of the Covid Reporting Link found on the school and district websites. We appreciate your patience and understanding during our eLearning time and look forward to seeing our students on Monday morning.

The School District of Newberry County is currently experiencing a high number of students and staff impacted by Covid-19. As a result, all schools will shift from in-person instruction to eLearning virtual instruction from Tuesday, January 18 through Friday, January 21. There will be no school-related extracurricular or after school activities from January 18- January 21.
Teachers who are not isolated or quarantined will use Google Meet to teach remotely and provide synchronous (live) instruction. The links for Google Meet, assignments, and class schedules, will be listed on the teacher’s page in Schoology. Parents who have questions regarding the requirements for eLearning virtual instruction should contact their child’s school or check their child’s Schoology.
Breakfast and lunch for January 18-21 can be picked up at Newberry Middle School, Mid-Carolina High School, or Whitmire Community School between the hours of 10:30 am – 1:00 pm each day.
We recognize that a shift of this nature impacts families and child-care, and of course, classroom instruction. However, it has become necessary as we struggle to maintain regular operations due to the high number of student and staff absences as a result of Covid-19.
It is our goal to resume in-person learning on Monday, January 24. However, we will monitor the numbers and staff availability and notify parents and staff no later than Friday, January 21, if an extension is warranted.
If your student is currently quarantined or isolated, this shift will not impact the length of the quarantine as told to them by the school nurse.
The school will follow up with additional information as necessary. You can also follow the most recent updates on the school and district websites and Facebook pages.
Again, eLearning instruction for all School District of Newberry County schools will begin on Tuesday, January 18 and will continue through January 21. We genuinely appreciate your patience and understanding as we strive to provide a safe learning environment for students and staff.

Please read below for the latest information we have on local testing sites- Nurse Berley
*Some providers are saying vaccinated need to have a PCR test.
Also, some providers are saying to wait for 24 hours because some people are testing too soon. Again, this depends on the nature of your illness/symptoms. If you are extremely ill, do not wait 24 hours.
Newberry County DHEC: Tuesdays-Sundays; no appt needed; Drive Thru; 11am-6pm; PCR Test
Doctor's Care - Newberry - only testing if having certain symptoms. Rapid Antigen Test. Be prepared to wait or be asked to return later. They also have had to close early several days due to too many patients and running out of tests.
Lovelace Family Medicine - only testing their own patients now due to being overwhelmed and short-staffed. Rapid antigen testing, rapid strep, rapid flu. Send-off PCR, if they deem necessary.
Pinner Clinic - Seeing their own patients, but I think they are accepting new patients. Rapid antigen testing.
Chapin Urgent Care and Irmo Urgent Care and Parkridge Urgent Care - only testing symptomatic patients and be prepared to wait. Rapid and PCR tests available, depending on symptoms and vaccination status.
CVS, Walgreens - must have appointments and they are booking 2-3 days ahead.
Chapin Family Practice - seeing their own patients. Rapid antigen testing, rapid strep, rapid flu. Send-off PCR, if they deem necessary.
Chapin Pediatrics - seeing their own patients and will test based on symptoms. Rapid antigen testing.
Pediatrics of Newberry - seeing their own patients and will test based on symptoms. Rapid antigen testing. Will do a send-off PCR, if they deem necessary.
Newberry Hospital told me they are not a testing center and will unfortunately have to turn people away unless they are a true emergency and/or having symptoms that need to be evaluated, and not just tested.

Newberry Middle School and Newberry High School will shift to eLearning from January 12-January 17. We are currently experiencing a high number of students and staff who have been excluded from school, and as a result will temporarily shift Newberry Middle and Newberry High to eLearning. There will be no school-related extracurricular or after school activities from January 12 through January 17. Virtual parent-teacher conference will continue as scheduled on January 13 and 14. This decision was not taken lightly. We recognize that a shift of this nature impacts families and child care, and of course, classroom instruction. However, it has become necessary as we struggle to maintain regular operations due to the number of students and staff impacted by Covid-19. is our goal to resume in-person learning at Newberry Middle School and Newberry High School on Tuesday, January 18. However, we will monitor the numbers and staff availability over the weekend and notify parents and staff no later than Sunday, January 16, if an extension is warranted.

New Covid Guidelines for Schools-
See the document below for the latest information!

Come work with us! Attend our job fair!
District Recruitment Fair on Saturday, Feb 12 at Newberry High School.

Want to buy some NHS gear and help support our softball team? https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/peymGsy2Eq