Upcoming:  Parent/Teacher Conferences January 19 & 20, 2023

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, January 19 from 3:30 PM – 7:00 PM and on Friday, January 20 from 7:30 AM – 11:30 AM.  

Parent/Teacher conferences on January 19 and January 20 will be a drop-in format.  All meetings will be face-to-face or by phone.  Any parent that would like to schedule a teacher conference in advance should do so by e-mailing the teacher(s) directly prior to the parent conference dates.  Teacher email addresses may be found on our school website here:   https://www.mid-carolinahighsc...

If you have any questions, please contact your student’s teacher directly or your student’s assigned guidance counselor at the school, 803-364-2134 or by e-mail.  If your student’s last name begins with the letter A-F, their counselor will be Ms. Sarah Wicker.  Ms. Gwen McAllister will serve students with last names beginning with G-M.  Mr. Kindred Durant will serve students with last names beginning with N-Z.  

Below are helpful tools to assist parents in monitoring their student’s academic progress.  Please take advantage of these tools so that as the parent you have timely and regular access to student grades.  

Helpful Parent Links/Information: 

  • Directions on How to Access Parent Portal:  Power School Parent Portal is an app that will allow parents to view their student's schedule, assignments, and grades.  Please visit the provided link for information on how to sign-up for access to Parent Portal.  
  • Parent Access to Student Schoology Account Information - We are using Schoology, an integrated learning management solution that provides course management, mobile learning, and support for system-wide communication. Schoology enables our students, parents and teachers to engage with learning materials and their school community from the classroom and beyond. 
  • Academic Assistance Resource for Students - If students need extra help, Tutor.com, offered through scdiscus.org, is an excellent place for them to go! To learn more about Tutor.com please e-mail Ms. Felker (jfelker@sdnc.org.)  *A quick reminder:  the DISCUS username and password are printed on the back of every student's ID card.