From Ms. Smith in the Guidance Department:
Friday, Sept 6th (B Day) 9am-12 noon
MCHS College Application Day – This event is for Seniors only. It will be held in the Media Center Library and Lab.
Students must register in the Counseling Office to participate in ONE 45 minute session. Sessions are @ 9:00am,9:45am,10:30am, & 11:15am.
Deadline to register is Thursday, Sept. 5 at 2pm.
Local College Admissions Counselors will attend to assist and answer questions. Students must have their Soc. Security Number and a credit/debit card to pay the application fee. Students can start the application and complete later if parent prefers to apply payment themselves.
Ms. Smith will be popping into English 4 and 4H classes at the last 5 min of the block to provide sign up opportunities.